#5 Marco do Estreitinho

Trail Running

To use the route with the map on the Smartphone:

  1. Install the Custom Maps application on the Smartphone (for Android only).
  2. Download the ‘Marco do Estreitinho’ route and accept to open it with the “Custom Maps” application.

Download the Roadbook (PDF file)

Download the map for printing (PDF file)

Location: Cabo da Ribeira (Boaventura)

Short Easy. Length: 13 km; Total climb: 1350m d+

Estimated time: walking: 7h; running: 4h.

Parking coordinates: 32.814741, -16.979375 (click to open in Google Maps)

“Long Trail Running”: (13 km with 1350m d+)

Description: Ideal for full day hikes or Trail Running lovers. Through old paths, possibility of reducing the route to do 11 km.

Important warning: route with very technical passages and not recommended for people with vertigo, alone or with fear of narrow and exposed passages.

Click to enlarge

Download the route (GPX file)